superhappyvloghouse / SanFrancisco
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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago



Creative Commons Trailers that we made are here



When: 4pm-????

What: Get together, make video, party.


superhappyvloghouse is going to be a video making extravaganza!!!

Come learn how to videoblog, or just collaborate on projects with other vloggers.

Remember that this is the kick off of Videoblogging Week 2007 ( where people around the world make a video each day.


4-6pm: Discussion with the Creative Commons Folks on why CC is important in Videoblogging. Tech aspects, legal aspects etc. If more videobloggers put a Creative Coomons License at the end of all their videos, awareness grows as our videos move around the web. Independent creators unite!


6-9pm: We'll all make custom CC trailers that can be used in videos. Schlomo has a stop-animation table, lots of space at Hat Factory, great neighborhood for shooting.

Anyone new can team up with an experienced videoblogger to learn how it's done.

Lots of video nerds will be available to answer any question you've ever had. Bring your computer and camera.


9pm-????: Screenings and party!! Plenty of free booze and food.




Add you own things you want to do below....


CreativeCommons Trailer Making

We hope to focus on CreativeCommons stuff.

Let's make custom trailers that we can use on our videos to make sure people know the license we each publish under.


Field Trip

Since I'm hoping for a nice day, I'd love to give a tour of the old docks in the neighborhood as well as showing off the Graffitti Museum (which isn't really a museum, but a huge old wherehouse). Plenty of interesting things to document. Maybe make some collaborative video piece of it. Just a thought -- Schlomo

  • If this is the same as the Graffitti Cathedral, I heard the place has been refenced and is now inaccessible. Someone should scout in advance and see. --Eddie


Stop Motion Animation

We have a large table, some overhead lights, a bunch of felt, some tripods, and some stopmotion animation software (I have iStopMotion we can use). It will be set up for whomever is interested in making some animations! -- Schlomo


Video Screening

We'll set up the projector, you plug in your laptop and show us your warez/videos/dreams. No pre-signup; just show up and share. -- Schlomo





(Check out who else is coming on Upcoming)

Ryanne Hodson

Jay Dedman

Eddie Codel

Schlomo Rabinowitz

Jon from CC

Dave Toole


Natasha Robinson

Chris Mears

Brian Furry

Tantek Ã‡elik

Daniel Riveong

Luca Venturini

Contact for more info.


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